Published/Edited by Bismark Oppong

18th April, 2020

Hon. MP for Talensi,  Hon.  B.  T.  Baba has paid a working visit to the Talensi District Health Directorate.

 Briefing the Director and her staff,  the MP stated that his visit was to first of all,  thank the director and her team for their relentless efforts in ensuring the safety of constituents from the dreaded Covid 19 Pandemic and to also aprice himself with the impact of his earlier Covid 19 donations on their work as well as some of the challenges confronting them in the process.

 He also informed the director about his reinforcement package which included hand sanitizers, liquid soaps,  nose masks and thermometer guys among others all costing about GH¢ 50,760.00 aimed at enhancing their work in the fight.

He mentioned of the later attracted a spontaneous huge unending applauds and chants from the director and staffs.  In all,  fifteen thermometer guns costing GH¢1,500.00 each, were provided to be shared to the main hospital and all the nine (9) sub-districts.

Her heart, was full of surprise and excitement about the gesture and maintained that the thermometer guns alone would go along way to help them in the process.

The Medical Director,  Dr. Freeman Samani also reinterated the joy of staffs in the two donations and assured the MP that the items would be put to the right use. The very interactive meeting also saw the MP come in with yet another promise of providing staffs with plastic overalls to fully clothed front line staffs as they lead constituents in the fight.

He alsoexpressed his desire to provide financial supports for anti snake venom and to also scale up his supports for that of the psychiatric unit of the hospital. The Director was thus, tasked to fashion out the modalities for a speedy implementation. The MP afterwards,  made a presentation of the items to the Director.

The second phase of today's presentations would go to the market women and men,  semistress,  Hairdressers among others in Tongo,  Pwalugu and Tingedongo markets respectively. More of the Veronica buckets, hands sanitizers among others would be given in the process. This is expected to come off next week. The next phase, would move beyond these areas to capture the rest of the populace.

 As part of a comprehensive plan to ensure the safety and preservation of lives of constituents,  the MP has concluded plans to tap into the economic opportunities therein to ensure that some of these items are manufactured in the constituency to take care of our needs, provide economic empowerment to women, men and the youth and to also supply the rest of the constituencies in the region.

In furtherance of his desire to ensure the safety of all constituents, the MP has again,  approved the drilling of some new boreholes and the repairs of broken down boreholes in addition to those announced earlier. Other packages for the education sector are expected to also kicked in.

 Details of these and the beneficiary communities of the water projects would be made available to you in due course by the Communication Bureau. The MP was accompanied in this visit by the Constituency Chairman,  Hon. George Adongo Ayamboya, Mr.  Solomon Zinekina TTB (Sec), Hon. Robert Bakanerib (Organizer) and Michael Nangena (Comm. Officer).

Story By: Michael Nangena (TCO)./ www.ghanansemonline.blogspot.com

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