WHEN YOUR "PM" FAILS YOU........ episode 1
The author of this article meant not to cast instigations or aspersion on any individual or group of persons whatsoever. The author's inspiration is taken from a Gambian poet Lenrie peters *_the panic of growing older_.*
"The panic of growing older spread fluttering winds from year to year".
Once your "PM" realizes that he/she has failed the society with regrets drawn on the minds of the people, the panic of counting down his/her term takes place from year to year.
"At four stilled by hope of gigantic success time and exploration"
The "PM" first term though not encouraging, his/her kingmakers are pinched with hope of gigantic success in future gives some time to explore the doubts they harbour.
Again the "PM" at this point seems to be providing a certain amount of deception that suggest to give the youth an ample time at his/her disposal to explore the society, perhaps for it's pleasure. This deceit by a failing "PM" further weave a web that traps the youth to be caught in that wheel of deception that one has ample time, and so procrastinate.
"At twelve a sudden throb of pain laboratory test having nothing to show"
The "PM" at his/her third term naturally deteriorates in his/her psychological strength (a sudden throb of pain). The society at this term is filled with anxiety and regret yet "laboratory test having nothing to show". The lab technician though has diagnosed the patient of a chronic cancer and fatigue, the doctor's prescription of medication is influenced by lack of funds. The "PM" at this stage takes advantage of the financial crisis of the society, therefore craves on their leniency to be their weaknesses.
The society wouldn't want to pour away the dirty water with the baby, maneuvers to trench cautiously to hold back the baby for the sake of patriotism.
"Legs cribbed in domesticity allow no sudden leaps at the moon now. Copybook bisected with red ink and failures, nothing to show the society".
At sixteen the "PM" is expected to account for what he/she has learnt throughout his basic and secondary Education by presenting his/her final essay to the chief examiner (kingmakers) for marking and assessment. Unfortunately there are lots of red ink throughout the "PM's" work, an indication of failure leading to his/her "domesticity". "No sudden leaps at the moon now".
At this stage in the "PM's" term, one cannot follow fantastic hopes or dreams.
To be continued..........
"PM" -------- Primary Manager
Source : Baah Samuel (Gosh)/ghanansemonline.ml