Story: Daniel Osei-Marketing Manager (Kwayisi Christian Herbal Clinic)


      One of the oldest and prolific herbal treatment center, Kwayisi Christian herbal clinic has over the weekend lunched three of it's finest products onto the market. *OPINTO HERBAL TEA, MEDULACK HERBAL TEA AND MINTAH HERBAL TEA * are now out in supermarkets, drug stores and all leading shops in the country. Lunching the products, the CEO of kwayisi Christian Herbal Center, herbal doctor Emmanuel Ampem Darko popularly known as commander explained the work of these three products in the body system.

      OPINTO herbal tea which name emanated from the nick name of the founder and father of the CEO helps boost the immune system, prevent the growth of bacteria in the body system, regulates and checks the body acidity, purifies the blood and also stimulates the flow of the digestive track.

      MINTAH herbal tea according to Dr Ampem Darko, helps deactivate free medicals which are highly destructive and causes damage to the body cell and a contributing factor to heart attacks and cancer. Mintah herbal tea also improves blood circulation, maintains the health of the blood vessel walls from cholesterol and reduces the risk factor for cardiovascular diseases and many more.

      The MEDULACK herbal tea is very good for the treatment of migraine and orrhage. It restores the loss of membrane and loss of speech and very good for the treatment of Parkinson diseases and therefore good for the treatment of brain tumor.

     According to the CEO apart from the Medulack herbal tea which one would have to add honey, Opinto and Mintah herbal tea only have to be put into a cup of hot water.

      Dr Ampem Darko in drawing the attention of the public, established that all fourteen products including alcoholic beverages (agyanie bitters) by the centre have passed through all necessary national and international regulatory test including the Mampong Scientific Research into Plant Medicine.

     Kwayisi Christian Herbal Center though is very popular both nationally and internationally of it's prolific treatment of stroke and it's related diseases, Dr Ampem Darko reiterated that the clinic treats all kinds of diseases such as malaria, typhoid fever, arthritis, ulcer, and many more. He emphasized that, Mintah herbal tea, Opinto herbal tea and Medulack herbal tea have come to prevent diseases by boosting the immune system. Prevention he said is better than cure.

     Enumerating the center's contributions to the socio-economic development of the nation, Dr Ampem Darko stated that the center's work force has increased from thirty three (33) to sixty four (64) permanent workers and over twenty casual workers. All workers he emphasized are local members. He was proud to state that patients who come to the center according to research, seventy-eight percent (78%) get healed after treatment. He considers the rest to have not heeding to medication, reporting too late or fate.

      The Municipal Chief Executive Hon Margaret Darko Darkwah who graced the occasion commended the management especially the CEO of kwayisi Christian herbal center for the consistent sustainability of the center. She recalled when she first heard of Ayisa when she was very young. She was impressed with how far the center has gotten to with it's technological advancements. She acknowledged the achievements chalked so far by kwayisi Christian herbal center and that many people can walk again after being attacked by severe ailment.

      The Hon MCE considers kwayisi Christian Herbal Clinic which is located in her Municipality as one of the disciplined industries and commends them to continue to have the good working relationship with the Assembly. She commemorated the founder of the Kwayisi Christian Herbal Center, Nana Barfour Atuah Kroko ii whose fifth Anniversary of his death, these three herbal tea were lunched in loving memory of his good works.

     Kwayisi Christian herbal clinic is located at Ayisa between Nankese and Akwadum off the Suhum koforidua road.

Source:Kyibeh Sammy Baah/

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